Are You Sabotaging Your Marketing Success?

What?!? Sabotage your success? Who would do that? Well, you’d be surprised how many small business owners think they are effectively marketing their business, when in fact, they are cutting their own throat. Yes, they may be running ads that are pulling in leads or customers. And yes, they may be writing a regular column…

5 Easy Ways To Create Great Info Products

So you’ve decided to start publishing an e-newsletter, or you’d like to develop a Special Report as an added-value for your customers, or maybe you’ve even decided to teach a teleclass or a seminar as a way to bring prospects into your business. So now you have to decide what you’re going to write or…

3 Affiliate Marketing Tools

The term affiliate marketing is used to describe an advertising agreement between a website owner and a merchant. If you have researched Internet home business opportunities, you know that affiliate marketing is one of the most simple and profitable web opportunities. Most affiliate marketing programs cost nothing to join, which means no financial risk is…

23 Autoresponder Marketing Techniques

Auto Responder Marketing Techniques The Internet offers many means of affordable marketing with autoresponders. Here are a couple of popular ways of using them. DIRECTORY Some webmasters set up link or article directories on their sites. They create a directory on a specific industry topic, placing their own ad or banner along the top. Then…

16 Tips For Offline Marketing

These tips will do wonders for increasing your Offline Marketing and the amount of traffic to your website, which of course, is what we all want to 1. Answering Machine — This one is easy for offline marketing; just be sure to include your URL,, in your answering machine messages! 2. Address Labels — Again, easy all your…