Putting everything in perspective, grouping many words to make up a sensible blog or content to be viewed by millions of people over the web has somewhat deteriorated, mostly because people are after revenue rather than knowledge. This has been the practice that has governed a large part of the money-making practices that people can expect when they can share with other people the gathered information and knowledge that they have accumulated for the past couple of years.
Blogging and content writing has become evidently in demand, but the truly sensible things for topics up for consideration that will aid most information-hungry people has been forgotten. Driving traffic, the proper selection of keywords that people will type in their search engine browsers such as Google and Yahoo, has become the main concern for most Internet accessing individuals. In one of the newsletters sent to me regarding Search Engine Optimization, one thing struck me the most: repetition instead of content sensibility. It doesn’t need to be expounded on, because true enough, this has been the common thing that most people have been doing nowadays, placing a ridiculous amount of similar words in a written article just to come out once a search query from search engines are done.
On the other hand, content writing is putting together what a person knows, stemming from research and experiences. The beauty and essence of effective content writing help websites, companies, and individual branding in a sense, spreading out proper information connected among them. Getting it all together for the proper deliberation of needed information that will be needed by most knowledge-seeking individuals, mostly students and business professionals, is something that should be immediately considered.
Hence, article or content writing and blogging are more than just an Adsense trap to generate revenue. A nonsense article will surely be something that people would not waste time reading or referring to. If there is a glitch that Google may have overlooked, it all boils down to quality content from articles done. Most of the time, it requires manual intervention from the groups that use content writing and blogging as their main business field. However, given time, it will not be surprising when one day, Google or any other SEO Optimizing affiliates and sites will add content quality as among the key aspects of quality made articles in quality handled websites.
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